Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day!

Well it's more of a Mother Nature cannot figure out what she's doing day... But the boy ducklings were called off school. Right now it's raining turning the snow to slush! eww.  But it's supposedly going to turn back to snow this afternoon.  The Hubster had to go into work because of inventory, and that made me one nervous wife...but he got there safely, and he will have off tomorrow and all of next week for Christmas break, that's the nice thing about his current job.

So what do we do on a snow day, seeing as this is our first school snow day?! We started it off with a delicious home cooked breakfast of eggs and bacon!! The little duckling is lactose intolerant (to all dairy, and it's horrible when she even takes a single drink of milk :( ) so I specifically made the scrambled eggs with goats milk so she could have some too... now for anyone who has seen the prices of goats milk, it is NOT cheap.  I noticed yesterday that the price went down .20, but I am still paying $3.98 for a quart... a QUART! It's ridiculous, but the baby loves her milk! Well my dumb-butt added cheddar cheese to the eggs *face palm*, so I had to pick the cheese off of hers and they were fine.  The bacon... the best bacon ever...home-raised pig! No we do not raise pigs, but my brother raised one last year and as a belated Mother's Day gift to our mom and myself he gave us half of a pig, so we have plenty of organically raised pork in our freezers!! The ducklings loved it.


So now what do we do?  The baby duckling is napping and the boy ducklings are playing cars, doing crafts, and watching movies.  I am thinking today is a good day to make more homemade goods! I am thinking of making some fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, fudge, and more cookies!  I will post next about our Christmas cookie making adventures of last night with my sister-in-law and nieces.  I didn't get to take as many photos as I wanted because 1. I was busy assisting ducklings, 2. I was baking cookies and 3. my phone died, but we had a lot of fun!!!

I will post later about my homemade goods!!

Last night I decided to attempt my own acrylic nails, and they didn't turn out horrible.  My house still smelled like a nail salon this morning, but my nails look some-what pretty.  I figured a $8.00 Kiss Nail kit was cheaper than $35 to get my nails done, and on top of that, my favorite place to get my nails done went out of business :(  So I attempted it myself.  They aren't horrible, and the cheap kit wasn't too bad, but if I keep it up I am going to have to get a better brush for applying the acrylic...


They look better in person, in my opinion, but they will get me through the Holidays!

Remember to check back over the next couple of days for fun Christmas baking adventures, homemade goods, and the randomness that is me <3

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