Sunday, December 16, 2012

Rough weekend...

Thursday night, I thought I was having a stroke... no joke... over dramatic, sure, but seriously, no joke.  I was sitting down and I had a stabbing pinching pain in my head and within a few minutes the right side of my body was tingly and numb.  My husband got me calmed down and I eventually fell asleep.  After talking to some friends, it seemed that flash migraines can cause stroke-like symptoms and it's not horribly uncommon.

To make myself feel better I went to see my doctor.  I waited over an hour from my appointment time and was starting to freak out because I had to get the oldest duckling off the bus.  I finally got a hold of our neighbor and she got him off the bus for me.  Finally my doctor came in and I told him about everything, all while trying to keep the younger ducklings in order, and Doc started to do some strength checks.  It really started to freak me out when I realized I didn't have much strength in the right side of my body.  I couldn't grip his fingers, I couldn't push or pull his arm, and I couldn't rock on my heels or stand on my tip-toes.  As I tried each new task he asked and realized I couldn't do it, I started to panic.  I knew from the look on his face that something was wrong.  He told me he wanted a CT scan of my head right away.  I told him I'd have to set up for babysitters, and while he called over to the hospital to set the CT scan up, I called my mom and asked her to go get older duckling from my neighbor.  I told her about the scan and she went to get him right away.

The doctor came back in and we had a little discussion about why he wanted the CT scan right away.  He told me that strokes are not likely in people my age, but a bleed in the brain or a tumor are.  He apologized for being so straight forward, and then told me if they see a bleed he is admitting to the hospital right there on the spot.  At this point I started sobbing.  A bleed in my brain? Are you kidding me? I left his office and called my sister-in-law asking her to take the younger ducklings and told her why, and she freaked.  I dropped them off and then went to the hospital.

The CT scan was easy-peasy I have had them done before because of my kidneys and ovaries.  At least they didn't have to give me the dye that makes you feel like you're peeing yourself ;)  The doctor asked the tech to tell me to wait there until he got the results and could call and talk to me.  The tech informed me that because it was Friday after 5pm it could take about an hour...whoopee! It actually only took about 35 minutes and my doctor called.  He said they spotted no bleeds! I let out a sigh of relief and he told me that the radiologist even double checked it when he explained my symptoms.  My relief dissipated a little when he told me he wants me to come back for a MRI.  He explained that it could very well be flash migraines, but usually your symptoms go away after a few hours, it had been over 16 hours and I still had not regained strength so he wanted to make sure there was no other underlying cause.  Which, in case there is, I should be thankful for.

I went back to the hospital on Saturday for the MRI.  I'm claustrophobic so I was very nervous.  Luckily they put that awesome face guard over my face and it has a little mirror on it that looks out towards your feet, so you actually feel like you are not so enclosed.  They put headphones on me and played "Cher Lloyds" station on Pandora.  The noises didn't bug me so much until the machine started making a really high pitched beeping noise.  I was ready to squeeze the little ball she gave me to squeeze to get her attention because I thought the noise was going to make me start convulsing.  I was starting to panic and thought I was going to black out.  Since I got pregnant with the littlest duckling I have had super sensitive hearing, for example our local walmart has an aisle that is eggs, yogurt, butter, etc.. and the cooler makes a high pitched noise that nobody ever seems to notice and I cannot stand it, it makes me feel like I'm going to black out... crazy, huh?

Anyways... The rest of the MRI went fine, it lasted about 45 minutes and then the MRI lady walked me back to the Hubster.  I was so intent on asking questions about why the machine makes different noises, I forgot to ask her when my results should be in... hahaha of course I'd be the one to side track and ask questions about a fascinating machine!  Today I have had a headache most of the day, at one point I was in bed with all the lights off and no kids allowed, so I'm really thinking it's just migraines, but who really wants to live with migraines? :(

So if you're passing by and read this, say some prayers or send some thoughts.  I am really optimistic that nothing will show up, it's probably just the migraines and maybe a pinched nerve I'm thinking...  But this week I am hoping to post about our homemade gifts for the grandparents and also some new yummy recipes!!

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