Wednesday, December 5, 2012

From an old Blog: Fork in the Road

So I had started a blog last February about not being a fat mom any more... Little did I realize at that time that I was going to need a lot more help than dieting.  So here is a blurb from a post I did last Spring... it still amazes me what I realized but still have problems controlling... This is from March 19, 2012:

I went the wrong way last week. Totally let crap take over, in which I ate crap... So what does this mean. I still haven't lost weight. Well really I gain and lose the same 5lbs all the time... It's sickening really. Two of the ducklings and I went grocery shopping last week. I bought mostly healthy foods, but because I was hungry, which is a HUGE NO-NO when grocery shopping, I bought 4 boxes of Little Debbie's cakes/brownies. Is it excusable if I say they are all the Special Spring cakes and brownies? ... the worst part, is when I pulled a pack of the cakes out and just so happened to look at the back of the box... 360 CALORIES!!! I gagged on that damn cake... Seriously. That is the amount of calories I take in for breakfast with my body by Vi, the rice milk, and the fat-free hot chocolate packet. Seriously. It really made me realize why so many people are obese. We shove this crap in our mouths and don't even realize HOW many CALORIES we are taking in! It's sickening. Do people realize one-quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald's is over 1,000 calories. This means most people who eat McDonald's are taking in almost all of their daily calories (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). Sickening. We then go on to eat two other meals plus snacks. Some people will read this and say, 'well duh' but really think about how MANY PEOPLE don't realize this, and keep eating like this.

So it comes down to this fork in the road. Which are you going to take? The one where you live to eat, or eat to live? As humans we only need what is essential to us, enough to keep us alive and healthy. Instead we let gluttony consume us and addiction takes over. I am not just calling others out, I am calling myself out. I have been raised to have a love for food, and not in the Eat, Love, Pray kind of way. In the 'I am so stressed I am going to bake and cook until my heart stops working' kind of way. And when you make the stuff, what do you do? You eat it. I eat it. I really want to overcome this. I have tried to educate myself with the food pyramid, with books like "Eat Right for Your Blood Type" which could be a bunch of phooey, but the thing is, it has opened my eyes to what a basic human needs and what we binge on. It's sad really. So here is to hoping I can figure out how to make myself better, so maybe I can help someone else out there make themselves better. Especially my children. Which path do you want to take with this fork in the road?

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