Saba Products--TrimPro for weightloss


Saba is an amazing health and wellness company that specializes in everything from weight management to shampoos and lotions!

I was introduced to SABA almost two years ago! I came across a product called ACE.  It stands for Appetite Control and Energy.  I took it to my doctor to ask his opinion and although he wasn't thrilled about me using a supplement to lose weight, he gave me the green light.  For the next 9 months. 7 of those months were while my hubster was gone, I took my ACE... most of the time, and I managed to lose 50lbs! I was ecstatic.  I still had another 50lbs to lose, but I felt and looked great!

My 9 month journey on the ORIGINAL ACE: I started it in November 2012

I was so excited about my results, but 53lbs was where I plateaued.  I was okay with that. I figured I'd give my body time to adjust to this new weight so it wouldn't be so quick to pack pounds back on. Slow and Steady wins the race... Well.... about two months after this, my life was turned upside down and I packed up and moved 4,000 miles away... which isn't too horrible except they were discontinuing the original ACE. There was an ingredient in it, which was harmless in ACE because it was such a small amount, but because people abuse it, it got banned. This ingredient was what ACE seem like magic...

Saba did everything they could, but the reformulated ACE was just not the same.  Then they came out with a product called Xtreme5000 and it did nothing for me. It made quite sick actually. So when I decided the quit smoking January 1, 2014, I went into it with the intentions of hitting the gym daily... I did really well until I no longer had a babysitter and this lead to weight be packed back on.  I hate using excuses, but quitting smoking, being homesick, and lacking at home workouts was my demise.  The past 7 months I have put 40 of the 50lbs back on.  And it's not because the original ACE didn't work, its because I threw all the tools I'd learned about not comfort eating out the door.

Now for the good news!! July 2014 Saba released a new product: TrimPro
I was super hesitant, but the feedback was amazing so I had to try it.  I am only a few days in and the 4lbs I have lost I know is mostly water weight, but I feel amazing again! I am ready to refocus on myself and incorporate even more healthy tools into my adventure this time!

Please contact me for more info!
(no solicitors please)

Or check it out for yourself  HERE

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