Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Help me! Ahhhh

Dramatic title may be a little much... But I really need to find my motivation. I've been bugging around online all morning and cleaning in between. The pretty princess duckling is sick :( and the two prince ducklings are at school so I need to find my motivation. I did post my banana bread recipe under the recipe link, but I just found like 377272910 recipes I want to try from Pinterest! Darn you Pinterest. I do have to get the house cleaned though because my beautiful sister-in-law is bringing her ducklings over to bake Christmas cookies tomorrow!! Pictures to come of course!! I also still need to make all of our homemade Christmas gifts!!! Ahhh yeah I'm a little behind. . .

On another note: we had our Army orientation last night. It went fairly well. It's a little more exciting now that I have a better understanding of how things will work. It just seems surreal yet. I do have eight months to continue getting rid of crap and because I'm so OCD and refuse to let a moving company pack my things I also have eight months to pack lol.

On a better note from Sundays post: I have not heard back from my doctor yet but I'm assuming that may be a good thing. I know it takes a while to get the results, but I'm guessing if something really bad had shown up he'd have called me right away.

So recap: no motivation, feeling more secure about the hubster's decision to enlist in the Army, and I'm assuming nothing horrible showed up on the MRI. OH! And don't forget to go check out the new recipe!!!

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