Monday, September 2, 2013

3-Day Potty Training: Day 3

Okay so it's only 5:00pm but I am feeling so hopeful that she made that "click". We had a rough night. The eldest duckling woke up in excruciating abdominal pain and then puked twice. Honestly I thought it was food poisoning... But I'm guessing its just a virus. So no sleep AGAIN (I'm ready to cry here) and I totally slacked with potty training today. I still put her in undies because I didn't want to undo what's been done so far. Accident after accident occurred... Then I tried to lay her down for a nap and put a diaper on her. She didn't nap and just played in her crib.  When I got her up I was baking soft pretzels (recipe coming soon) and left her diaper on. Then I felt guilty so I took it off and let her run naked. The next thing I know she's yelling "I pee!" And the boy ducklings checked her potty and the middle duckling says "it looks like chocolate milk.." So I was thinking she emptied her chocolate almond milk into her potty and she just said she peed lol. Well then I smelt it. She Hershey squirted all up in her potty lol. We celebrated her and cheered for her success. She got so excited she started shaking the potty lol. Then it became a mess. *gag* anyways... She has since peed in her potty twice on her own with no fighting and no accidents *knock on wood* !!!!! I really hope this is the click!!!!

The rest of the evening was great!! No accidents!!!! I am praying this holds up and we keep moving forward. Tonight when I went to put her cloth diaper on for bed she became upset, but when I told her she could put undies on again in the morning she was fine.  I think I'm going to wait until we are moved to worry about nap time and night time training... We'll see how daytime continues to go!!! I am so happy right now!!! 

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