Sunday, September 1, 2013

3-Day Potty Training: Day 2

Potty training is exhausting!! 

It also doesn't help that I had about an hour of sleep last night. 

But I am starting to feel defeated with this 3-day program. I can definitely tell she's not going to wake up tomorrow and something will have clicked... I have followed the plan to the Tee and I feel like she's becoming more deterred from the potty than anything. 

We woke up, put on clean undies and had breakfast. She had one accident and then 4 straight times of peeing in the potty. Then she pooped in her undies, which made me nervous that she maybe has the stomach bug I had yesterday because it came on quickly. Then came nap time. She actually stayed fairly dry today. 
Her brothers came home during nap time and that's when things started to go down hill. She woke up crabby, and she  had accident after accident including another poop. As soon as she stood still I checked her and realized she was pooping so I threw her on the potty and nothing happened.. I turned around for a minute the clean the poop smears on her potty and she peed on the floor... The only time I can get her to pee on the potty still is if I put her on there and hold her there while she fights it. It was looking up this morning because she would only fight me until she actually started to fully pee and then she'd watch herself pee. Yesterday it was scream and cry until she was done peeing and had a treat. So I really thought we were making progress... But this evening has me feeling defeated. 

If she doesn't make any improvement in the next few days I am just going to lay off PT until we get to Hawaii. But I really want to have this done before then....

Please please please let tomorrow be better!!

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