Monday, September 16, 2013

OCONUS MOVE - Continued...

Well I have some kind of update on our OCONUS move to Hawaii and it's not the kind of update I had hoped to give...

You can find the original post Here

Well on August 19, my soldier hubster had his EFMP appointment. The lady informed him that we all should medically be cleared and there are no concerns. They told him about 5-7 days to get his amended orders... Wellllll..... 2 WEEKS later he was finally handed his amended orders. This meant 6 days before he graduates AIT... And transportation had no appointments left. Oh joy. He got his tickets of course, but was not able to set up movers. We have to wait until he is in Hawaii to set up movers now. (SMDH in frustration).

He is home right now so we are working on the paperwork for the lien in the van, we found a new home for our dog (which has left a hollow ache in my chest), and we sold hubsters car.... I just feel so exhausted over this whole things. I used to be so excited and now I feel like WTFE.... I'm over it.

The positive side is... I filled out our housing application and emailed them his orders so as soon as he signs into the base we are added to the waiting list for a house and it back dates to when he left AIT. Also, the kids and I get more time with friends and family.

So I think that's about it. I'll update you more as the next month rolls on... And on and on and on.

Monday, September 2, 2013

3-Day Potty Training: Day 3

Okay so it's only 5:00pm but I am feeling so hopeful that she made that "click". We had a rough night. The eldest duckling woke up in excruciating abdominal pain and then puked twice. Honestly I thought it was food poisoning... But I'm guessing its just a virus. So no sleep AGAIN (I'm ready to cry here) and I totally slacked with potty training today. I still put her in undies because I didn't want to undo what's been done so far. Accident after accident occurred... Then I tried to lay her down for a nap and put a diaper on her. She didn't nap and just played in her crib.  When I got her up I was baking soft pretzels (recipe coming soon) and left her diaper on. Then I felt guilty so I took it off and let her run naked. The next thing I know she's yelling "I pee!" And the boy ducklings checked her potty and the middle duckling says "it looks like chocolate milk.." So I was thinking she emptied her chocolate almond milk into her potty and she just said she peed lol. Well then I smelt it. She Hershey squirted all up in her potty lol. We celebrated her and cheered for her success. She got so excited she started shaking the potty lol. Then it became a mess. *gag* anyways... She has since peed in her potty twice on her own with no fighting and no accidents *knock on wood* !!!!! I really hope this is the click!!!!

The rest of the evening was great!! No accidents!!!! I am praying this holds up and we keep moving forward. Tonight when I went to put her cloth diaper on for bed she became upset, but when I told her she could put undies on again in the morning she was fine.  I think I'm going to wait until we are moved to worry about nap time and night time training... We'll see how daytime continues to go!!! I am so happy right now!!! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

3-Day Potty Training: Day 2

Potty training is exhausting!! 

It also doesn't help that I had about an hour of sleep last night. 

But I am starting to feel defeated with this 3-day program. I can definitely tell she's not going to wake up tomorrow and something will have clicked... I have followed the plan to the Tee and I feel like she's becoming more deterred from the potty than anything. 

We woke up, put on clean undies and had breakfast. She had one accident and then 4 straight times of peeing in the potty. Then she pooped in her undies, which made me nervous that she maybe has the stomach bug I had yesterday because it came on quickly. Then came nap time. She actually stayed fairly dry today. 
Her brothers came home during nap time and that's when things started to go down hill. She woke up crabby, and she  had accident after accident including another poop. As soon as she stood still I checked her and realized she was pooping so I threw her on the potty and nothing happened.. I turned around for a minute the clean the poop smears on her potty and she peed on the floor... The only time I can get her to pee on the potty still is if I put her on there and hold her there while she fights it. It was looking up this morning because she would only fight me until she actually started to fully pee and then she'd watch herself pee. Yesterday it was scream and cry until she was done peeing and had a treat. So I really thought we were making progress... But this evening has me feeling defeated. 

If she doesn't make any improvement in the next few days I am just going to lay off PT until we get to Hawaii. But I really want to have this done before then....

Please please please let tomorrow be better!!