Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Balance: Hackschooling

If there is one thing I am learning while homeschooling it's that balance is hard.  The balance *I* am looking for is hard.

I watched a video right as I was making the decision to homeschool called Hackschooling Makes Me Happy (link) and it really moved me.  It's a TEDx video of a 13 year old boy who explains why he is grateful his parents pulled him from traditional schooling.  I began researching the two people he discusses in the video: Sir Ken Robinson and Doctor Roger Walsh.  I am genuinely curious about what these two men have to offer.

Well... I watched Sir Ken Robinson's TED Video (link) and it was worth the 20 minutes. his story between 15:00 and 18:00 (that's a guesstimation) brought tears to my eyes.  For personal reasons. But he made some amazing points.  Like why are literature and math more important than creativity? And how can we declare that these lessons are what our children will need in their future, when we don't even know what the future holds?! Going back to the hack schooling video, all I want is for my children to be happy.  The eldest duckling is amazing at legos.  If he were in the Lego movie, he'd be a Master Builder because he can build some of the most AMAZING things with just his imagination.  He used his mind to build a Blackhawk with NO instructions and it was pretty spot on... (That's a refueling hose on the front)

I then began to look into the Doctor Roger Walsh.  I have to admit that I admire him and his life's work.  He looks into ways and reasons to be spiritually happy, something I personally strive for.  His 8 Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, of TLC's have given me a great base for where I want to start with my children:

1. Exercise
2. Diet and Nutrition
3. Relationships
4. Recreation
5. Time in Nature
6. Contribution and Service
7. Relaxation and Stress Management
8. Religious or Spiritual Guidance

You can hear more about it in the Hackschooling video above and read more about it here.

I plan to do more research into all of this, but it has really given me a great understanding into WHO and WHAT I want my children to be when they grow up. I want them to be happy and healthy adults.  So I will always continue my journey of finding balance in teaching them.

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