Saturday, February 2, 2013

Murphy's Law

Well as I had talked about in a previous post, I hear many army wives talk about Murphy's Law coming into  full swing when their soldiers leave.  I am hoping we are getting ours out of the way before he leaves.  The sick dog, the eggs, my melt down in the middle of a grocery store, and now the middle duckling is sick.

So let's start at yesterdays melt down...
I needed to go grocery shopping, we went past our 10 days of my last frugal shopping (See: Frugal shopping day from an earlier post).  It pretty much means I set a budget and go shopping every 10 days.  So we were pretty much out of groceries.  Thanks to the Hubster cashing in his Vacation time, we had some extra money so I decided to stock the house yesterday on can goods and snacks for the kids.  I generally don't buy prepackaged snacks because of the ingredients and also because that is the easiest way to wrack up your grocery bill, but every once in a while I do it for them :)  Well in the middle of the grocery store I was looking at chicken, and normally I buy skinless-boneless chicken breasts because that is what the Hubster prefers.  It hit me at that moment that I could buy a whole chicken if I wanted to because he is leaving us soon and I won't be making it before he leaves.  That realization was like a bomb exploded in my face.  It felt like my chest caved in and I couldn't breathe.  It was like the weight of the world had been placed on my shoulders, and in the middle of the meat department I had a full-on anxiety attack that included sobbing.  Luckily the grocery store was not very busy at all, but there was a very sweet elderly woman who came over and asked me if I was alright.  I was so embarrassed I couldn't get any words out.  She stayed by my side rubbing my shoulder/back until I calmed down.  After about five minutes I regained my composure as best I could and I thanked the woman for comforting me and I briefly explained that my husband was leaving for the military and I thought I was prepared for all of this, but I guess not.  She was so very sweet, I wish I would have gotten her name. 

It made me realize though, that I have been so concerned with the ducklings and the Hubsters happiness and keeping the peace, that I have been bottling up so many of my own fears and anxieties.  I just wanted to make sure that the Hubsters last few weeks at home were calm and peaceful, and that we had plenty of family time and good memories.  After yesterdays meltdown I am feeling much better though :)

Then this morning the middle duckling comes into our room and says he feels like he's going to puke... Anyone who knows me well knows that after the puking episode of December 2010 I now have what I like to call stomach virus PTSD, or vomit PTSD... We had such a nasty virus that the oldest duckling was treated for dehydration and the littlest boy duckling was treated for a herniated stomach and vomiting blood... yeah it was miserable.  The Hubster and I had it too, luckily our episodes of sitting on the toilet with a puke bucket in our laps was over within 8 hours.  But it was horrific and I would never wish that on anyone I love ;)  So this morning I grabbed the puke bucket and had the duckling lay in our bed watching a movie and sure enough within 15 minutes he was puking.... (KNOCK ON WOOD) that was 4 1/2 hours ago and he has not puked since and he has kept down 2 Popsicle and some pedialyte.  But he is running a fever now.

I have been walking around wiping everything down with vinegar, and then peroxide just trying to get rid of any lingering germs!  I also washed all of our sheets, blankets, and pillow cases, just to make sure.  I sent the hubster and the older duckling to my moms to help snow blow and chop wood, hoping that getting them out of the house will save them from getting it too...

So that's that.  Praying no one else vomits and we get through the next few days without anymore meltdowns :)

Happy Saturday!

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