Thursday, February 7, 2013

I promise I will get back to it!

I haven't been putting much effort into my blog and I apologize.  This week has been very rocky! I have barely cooked, we've ordered in or had sandwiches, and I have not made anything fun nor creative.  We will however be making Valentine's this weekend!! That should be fun!

I heard from The Hubster tonight and I was on cloud 9!! He gave me his battalion number and company letter.  We talked for like 45 minutes and it was just so wonderful.  Since I had a good cry last night, everything has seemed much more optimistic!  I am sad that after tomorrow I will probably be cut off from phone calls and relying only on letters.  Because there is no guarantee that SIT will be able to call home, I have been trying to prepare myself NOT to expect any calls.  It all depends how strict their platoon is, if someone screws up and loses the phone priviledges for every one, and so on... I am just more excited to have his address so I can start sending him the letters I've written already.

I miss him.  But today I have not felt like my chest is going to cave in on itself so it has been a little more of a relaxing day.  It's funny the little things you start to realize they did before they left that you never really appreciated and now you miss them doing it.  It goes to show how much we depend on each other without even knowing it.  He really is an amazing man and I am so thankful for him and all he does.  We have our ups and downs, and it has been a helluva 6 1/2 years married, but we have made it through everything that has been thrown at us.  Some of it we made it through my the strand of a hair, but we did it.  And we are so much stronger for it.  I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world ;)

But I promise I will really try to get back to doing the crafty, foodie, thing :)

Thanks for all the reads and I hope you all keep coming back :)

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