Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sorry I disappeared...

Well, life has been hectic. And well I have been procrastinating dealing with my issue of over eating. I have the phone number for a therapist who specializes in Eating Disorders, but do I call? Nope. Procrastination? maybe? Fear of facing my problem? I think so! Truth is, I am stubborn. I am determined to do it myself. But for me, that means researching my heart out, but not applying it to myself.

 Right now, I feel like putting myself down, saying I am this way because I am a stupid, stubborn, fat woman. It frustrates me when my mind naturally goes to the negative image I hold over myself. Why do I feel like such a crappy person when I know I'm not?! Questions for the therapist I procrastinate calling?! HAHA!

The truth it, I don't want B.E.D. to control my life, or this blog. I am considering renaming it. To what, I don't know. But I want this to be about bettering my life as a whole. Working on living even more frugally, working on being healthy, and being the best mom and wife I can be. I need to organize my mind, otherwise I get too overwhelmed by trying to do too much at once. Baby steps, right?!

I actually found a blog that I love, and its about living frugally and I love it! I will try and figure our how to link up with her because I aspire to be similar to her! So now I guess would be the time to mention that I am 100% new to blogging and I am still learning the ropes, so please, please, be patient with me! And if you have any questions or positive comments please feel free to share.

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