Friday, August 30, 2013

3-Day Potty Training Technique

Well here goes nothing. I signed up and got the ebook for the 3-Day potty training technique. The princess duckling turns two in one week and I'd say she's been ready for about two months. I just haven't been able to find 3 straight days of being able to practice this technique (this weekend we had to cancel plans because of illness striking again), so I've been working on preparing her.  She likes to flush the toilet and say "bye bye pee pee" and she LOVES to wear undies, especially over her diaper (because she doesn't like the feeling of peeing on herself). So I am really hoping we will be successful and get potty training going the next three days. She's had a fever the last 24 hours and a stuffy nose but she seems to be in good spirits and she was so excited to pick out her new potty and undies! We also have plenty of snacks, juice, water, and high fiber snacks. We also picked up some rewards like stickers, M&M's, and fruit snacks. 
My worries are:
1. She's sick so she may not be interested in this at all
2. We move in a month to Hawaii, so I'm afraid we'll regress. But She seems really ready to do this so my fingers are crossed. 

Today was the final day of preparations. 
We picked out her new potty and undies,
Stocked the house with fun things like coloring books and cookies to bake! We have movies picked out and the tea party set ready to go!
I also am in the process of preparing meals for the next 3 days and making sure laundry and cleaning are done. The older boy ducklings are going to be spending the weekend at my moms so I can focus on little duckling and potty training. 
I have been talking to her all day about being a big girl and putting her poop and pee in the potty. It also helps that she has a slight rash down there right now and I explained to her that by not wearing diapers anymore she won't get owwies there no more (and she took her diaper off and put undies on all by herself!) so I am hoping these are all good signs of what's to come! 

I was telling the soldier about all of this and I kept using the word "panties" and he kept telling me that's not allowed! He said panties are the sassy underwear I wear and his daughter is not allowed to wear those kind of underwear until she moves out lol. He cracks me up!!! He will be home from training in just under two weeks so I'm hoping to have her trained before then!!! 

I will keep you posted day by day!!!

And because I'm in my phone I can't type the link in as usual, so here's the web address for the 3-day program:

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