Sunday, March 10, 2013


Sorry I have been so neglectful of the blog... It's been far from my mind as we are still battling illness in this house, and I have lost my heart for cooking and crafting! I have been trying to keep the ducklings busy, and my little spare time in between everything has been go towards a puzzle... yes a puzzle.  My sister and I used to do them all the time before my she passed away almost 3 years ago.  And for some reason when I feel sad or "grieving" puzzles calm my mind.  I've had to restart it three times because the sassy princess duckling has destroyed it, but it's coming along nicely now!

We are halfway through BCT, so in a way it's harder and easier.  I missed his call Thursday night to let me know he phased up last week.  That was absolutely devastating.  I always have my phone glued to me, even if I know it's the middle of the day and he's training... but I thought I had it in my pocket and we were at the oldest ducklings swim lessons and I had actually left it in the diaper bag in the swim locker room... I was absolutely devastated.  I was and still am so mad at myself.  I haven't gotten a phone call since his 72 hour call telling me he made it to actual training.  And I was lucky enough to receive that on Valentine's Day!  I miss him so much!

Since he left we have had the stomach flu, the actual flu, croup, and now we are "quarantined" because after taking the Princess duckling to the doctor yesterday, and paying for a Saturday visit, the doctor thinks she may have whooping cough! Freaking great, right?! Since they did the test on Saturday we may have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to find out the lab results... She is on an antibiotic already, but if it comes back positive, I have to call EVERYONE who has been in close contact with her for more than 30 minutes over the last 11 days so they can call their doctors and be medicated.  Seriously, it's crazy!

We did however get a new membership to our local YMCA! The boy ducklings are in sports and swim lessons and I have been utilizing their fitness center! The oldest duckling is in soccer and basketball, and the younger boy duckling is just in soccer and swim lessons.  It makes us crazy busy, but we are all enjoying it! Which going to my statement above, I will have to let the YMCA daycare know that the duckling has Pertussis and they will have to put out a warning to all parents... ugh just great!  But onto a happier note, we leave for Florida in a few weeks for a two week vacation! Then as soon as we get back we don't have much time at all until the Hubsters BCT graduation!! 

He is doing very well.  He had the best score in the simulation for his PLT (platoon) and he had the best shot on the fire range for his platoon.  He is actually really liking it there and is feeling more guilty that he likes it and I am at home stressing over everything, lol. I'm just happy he's not miserable because that would just make me more miserable!

Alright, well I am off to get some stuff done! I will try and be back on soon!